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. 2015 Jan 29;35(2):60. doi: 10.1007/s11032-015-0232-6

Table 1.

Total content of cytokinins in transgenic lines and wild type (ng/g fresh weight)

Line Cytokinins
Young leaf Mature leaf Stem shoot Flower bud Ovule Total Increase level (%)
WT 75.5 32.6 142.5 38.5 983.3 1,272.4
CR-3 85.8 65.0 190.3 53.0 1,138.2 1,532.3 20.4
CR-6 96.8 67.4 208.0 70.1 1,536.9 1,979.2 55.5
CR-13 135.7 96.0 229.6 160.0 2,359.1 2,980.4 134.2

Well-ground samples were extracted in cold 80 % (v/v) methanol. Cytokinins were purified by a Sep-Pak® Plus tC18 cartridge (Waters, Ireland) and determined by HPLC–MS/MS systems (ABsciex, USA). The total values were the sum of cytokinin contents in young leaf, mature leaf, stem shoot, flower bud, and ovule, respectively. WT wild type; CR-3, CR-6 and CR-13, 35S::GhCKXRNAi transgenic plants