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. 2014 Nov;35(4):213–235.

Table 5.

Typical flagging rates for the first measurement in outpatient adults (18–60 y) for 11 chemistry analytes.

Analyte Flag rate at LRL (%) Flag rate at URL (%) Comments
Sodium 2.5 1 Hypernatraemia is generally uncommon.
Potassium 1 Generally 2.5 Higher flag rates may reflect pre-analytical issues e.g. sample transport or haemolysis.
Chloride 1 <1
Bicarbonate 2.5 <2.5 Low values by Abbott assay. Manufacturer is recalibrating assay.
Creatinine 2.5 Generally 2.5 Higher rates may reflect the problem in removing disease from hospital databases.
Calcium 2.5 Variable; low in men and premenopausal women; 3.2 % in postmenopausal women. Reference interval of 2.10–2.60 mmol/L accommodates lot-to-lot calibrator variability. There is no loss of sensitivity of detection of primary hyperthyroidism in postmenopausal women when using 2.60 mmol/L as the URL.
Phosphate 1.5 2.5 Hypophosphataemia was uncommon and probably appropriate to its clinical importance.
Magnesium 5 1 Hypomagnesaemia was more common than expected. The Aussie Normals study had a different cut-off of 0.77 mmol/L. The reference interval is reported to broaden with age.19
Lactate Dehydrogenase Low Commonly >2.5 Vitros and DxC assays have higher low flag rates but this may not be clinically significant.
Alkaline Phosphatase <1 7–10 The benefit of using the URL of 110 U/L is to detect pathology in postmenopausal women. Increasing the URL to 115 U/L had negligible impact because of the logarithmic distribution of values.
Total Protein <2.5 <3.5 Rounding of LRL from 62 to 60 g/L was for convenience. Flagging of calculated globulins may detect immune deficiency better.

LRL, lower reference limit; URL, upper reference limit.