Histopathology of liver tissues. (a) Liver section of normal control rat shows central vein surrounded by hepatic cord of cells (normal architecture), (b) liver section of CCl4-treated rats showing massive fatty changes, focal central vein congestion (indicated by arrow), ballooning formation, necrosis with inflammation, and loss of cellular boundaries, (c) liver section of rats treated with CCl4 and 250 mg/kg of PCEE showing mild central vein congestion (indicated by arrow), ballooning, and necrosis with sinusoidal dilatation, (d) liver section of rats treated with CCl4 and 500 mg/kg of PCEE showing absence of ballooning, inflammatory cells, and regeneration of hepatocytes around central vein toward near normal liver architecture but slight congestion in central vein (indicated by arrow), and (e) liver section of rats treated with CCl4 and 10 mg/kg of silymarin showing normal liver architecture.