Table S2.
Tasks structure themes
Number of responses | |
Strong Practice theme | |
Effective/correct templates for consult request by PCP | 36 |
Cosigning PCP on notes is helpful | 35 |
Total | 71 |
Improvement Opportunity theme | |
Ineffective/incorrect/missing templates for consult request by PCP | 90 |
Incorrect/insufficient administrative practice | 55 |
PCP needs clear plan, guidelines for f/up | 49 |
Consult prework too difficult/time-consuming | 39 |
Incorrect/insufficient medical information provided to SCP | 35 |
Too much documentation work | 28 |
Priority classification improvements needed | 24 |
Insufficient/improper medical examination/practice by PCP | 23 |
Unnecessary consults | 22 |
E-consult availability needed | 22 |
Reminder-induced consults create unwanted visits | 5 |
Unnecessary f2f consult | 2 |
Total | 394 |
Abbreviations: SCP, specialty care provider; PCP, primary care provider; f/up, follow-up; f2f, face-to-face.