Figure 4.
Applied joint torques and joint motion to test adaptation of LLRs. (A) Configuration of the arm at the starting position and at the final position when reaching to three targets. A force field applied loads which resisted elbow motion, torque proportional to elbow velocity. The target on the left required shoulder flexion and elbow extension; a resistive load at the elbow applied a flexion torque. The target in the middle only required shoulder flexion; there was no load applied to the elbow as there was no elbow motion. The target on the right required elbow flexion; a resistive load at the elbow applied an extension torque. (B) Deviation of the handpaths from a straight line when reaching to the three targets; black, red, and blue denote the movement errors before, during, and after the application of the elbow resistive load. (C) Activity of elbow flexor muscle when reaching to the three targets before, during, and after introducing the resistive loads at the elbow. (D) Evoked activity of the elbow flexor muscle when reaching to the target requiring only shoulder motion. Data is shown for before, during, and after introducing the resistive load at the elbow. Figure modified with permission from Cluff and Scott (2013).