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. 2014 Mar 29;40(2):129–133. doi: 10.12865/CHSJ.40.02.09

Table 1.

Clinical, ECG and echocardiographic parameters

  Min 1st Qu Median Mean 3rd Qu Max St dev
Age (years) 33 63 67 68.21 63 93 9.26
BMI (kg/m2) 17.3 24.2 26.1 27.11 24.2 36.3 5.15
AF duration (months) 0.25 8 48 45.25 8 120 35.52
HR (/min) 46 62 74 75.19 62 151 17.78
PWD (ms) 56 83.5 104 98.9 83.5 124 20.86
QRSD (ms) 66 80.5 88 92.27 80.5 140 17.62
LA diameter (mm) 31 40 44 44.76 40 65 7.05
LA volume (ml) 31 64.9 80 83.21 64.9 176 32.24
LA area (cm2) 13.7 21.97 25 28.13 21.97 132.8 16.24
IVST (mm) 9 12 13 13.03 12 43 3.29
PWT (mm) 9 12 12.5 12.79 12 43 3.24
LVM (g) 131 180 203 209.95 180 332 45.88
LVESD (mm) 23 30.5 33 33.71 30.5 53 5.38
LVEDD (mm) 37 45 48 48.90 45 63 5.08
LVEF (%) 36 50 55 53.65 50 60 7.11

BMI-body mass index; AF-atrial fibrillation; HR-heart rate; PWD-P wave duration; QRSD-QRS duration; LA-left atrium; IVST-interventricular septum thickness; PWT-posterior wall thickness; LVM-left ventricular mass; LVESD-left ventricular endsystolic diameter; LVEDD-left ventricular enddiastolic diameter; LVEF-left ventricular ejection fraction.