Effect of AT1R inhibition by losartan on food intake, plasma K+, urinary K+ excretion, creatinine clearance, and subcellular distribution of β-ENaC and ROMK in AS+/+ and AS−/− mice kept on a 2% K+ diet for 48 hours. (A) Food intake, urine [K+]/[creatinine] ratio, blood K+ concentrations, creatinine clearance in the mice at 13 hours after vehicle (Veh) or losartan (Los) treatment. Vehicle and losartan are injected subcutaneously at 36 hours after starting the feeding experiment. Food intake and urinary ion excretion are recorded for the following 13 hours. n=5 in the losartan group; n=4 in the vehicle group. Values are the mean±SEM. *P≤0.05; **P≤0.01. (B) Detection of β-ENaC and ROMK in the late DCT and CNT of vehicle- and losartan-treated AS-deficient mice by immunofluorescence on kidney cryosections. Tubules are identified by costaining for calbindin D28K (not shown) as described in the Concise Methods. Bar, approximately 25 μm.