Fig. 2. Two stable conformations at the chemoreceptor tip.
Left: Backbone structure of residues 263–519 in the hairpin tip of the Tsr dimer. The N helix of the light gray subunit is located at the trimer axis (see Fig. 1). Alpha carbon atoms mark the locations of the methylation sites (residues 397, 304, 311, 493) and the glycine hinge (residues 340, 341, 439). The side chains of residues F396 and F396' are shown as sticks. Right: Distance distributions over the course of the MD simulations between helices C–N', C'–N and C–C' of the Tsr structure at a single residue-pair level for each methylation state: QQQQ (dark gray), QEQE (black) and EEEE (light gray).