Lack of PLD1 expression impairs skeletal muscle regeneration in vivo. (A) Representative images of H&E staining of TA muscles from WT and PLD1−/− mice at 6 and 18 d after CTX injury (n ≥ 3/genotype). (B) TA muscle was immunostained for eMyHC and laminin at 6 d after CTX injury. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Arrows in A and B indicate the increased interstitial space between myofibers in PLD1−/− muscle. (C, F) The mean diameters of regenerating myofibers at 6 (C) and 18 (F) d after CTX injury were measured to assess myofiber size (n ≥ 3/genotype, *p < 0.05). (D) The total number of eMyHC-positive regenerating myofibers was not different in WT and PLD1−/− muscle at 6 d after CTX injury. (E) The numbers of regenerating myofibers (6 d postinjury) were measured and expressed as a histogram plot (n ≥ 3/genotype). PLD1−/− mice contained more regenerating myofiber of smaller size than did WT. (F) By day 18, regenerating myofiber size was similar in WT and PLD1−/− mice.