ESCRT-II binding partners and their role in endosomal localization and function of ESCRT-II. All strains in this figure lack the genomic copy of VPS36. Tagged versions of wild-type (WT) or mutant copies of VPS36 are expressed from a low-copy CEN plasmid under native promoter. (A) A schematic of ESCRT-II domain architecture, interacting partners, and point mutations used in this study to disrupt these interactions. (B) Endosomal localization of ESCRT-II by fluorescence microscopy and its quantification. Microscopic images are presented in inverted gray scale, where black denotes GFP signal. The GFP puncta represent endosomes since they colocalized with FM4-64 as shown in Supplemental Figure S1C. n = 552, 544, 545, 558, 521, and 461 (in the order of strain presentation). Error bars denote the 95% confidence intervals over mean. N.D., not determined. (C) Localization of GFP-Cps1 in different vps36-mutant strains. (D) Growth assays on plates containing different concentrations of canavanine.