Figure 6. Loss and overexpression of TRAP1 activates the UPRmt pathway.
(A – C) Anti-Dve antibody (green) reveals tight cytosolic localization of Dve in neuronal cell bodies in brains of adult w1118; +/+; +/+ males. Nuclear dye DAPI (red) stains the entire nucleus although it appears brighter in the nucleolus. The merged image of anti-Dve and DAPI stain reveals crisp cytosolic sub-cellular localization of Dve. (D – F) Dve staining appears diffuse in neuronal cell bodies of male w; TRAP1A4/TRAP1A4, +/+ flies and exhibits considerable overlap with the nucleus. (G – I) Dve staining appears similarly diffused and overlaps with nuclear stain in neuronal cell bodies of male w; +/+; UAS-TRAP14M/ActinGal4 flies. Scale bar equals 3.5 µm. (J) Ratio of staining intensity of Dve in the cytoplasm relative to the nucleus in indicated genotypes. (K) mRNA expression of Dve in w1118; +/+; +/+ females is not significantly different from mutant (p=0.2) and overexpression (p=0.9) strains. (L, M and N) Male w; TRAP1Δ4/TRAP1Δ4, +/+ and w; +/+; UAS-TRAP17M/ActinGal4 flies exhibit significantly increased mRNA expression of Hsp60, mtHsp70 and CG5045 as compared to w1118; +/+; +/+. (O, P and Q) Female w; TRAP1A4/TRAP1A4; +/+ exhibit significantly increased mRNA expression of Hsp60 as compared to w1118; +/+; +/+, but not that of mtHsp70 and CG5045. In all cases, data are presented as fold change from control. Error bars denote standard error of means; statistical significance was determined using one-way ANOVA. (*) indicates p < 0.05, (**) indicates p < 0.001.