Bilin Chromophores and Absorption Spectra of Representative Phys within the Superfamily.
(A) Chemical structure and apoprotein thioether linkage position for various bilins used in Phys. The four pyrrole rings (A-D) and important carbon positions in the bilin are indicated.
(B) Chemical structure and dual thioether linkage specific to CBCRs with blue/green photocycles.
(C) Absorption spectra of the dark-adapted (D) and photoactivated states after blue (B), far-red (FR), green (G), red (R), and violet (V) excitation for canonical Phys with Pr dark-adapted states (At-PhyB, Syn-Cph1, and Dr-BphP), a bathy-Phy (Pa-BphP), a Pnr Phy (Rp-BphP3), a PAS-less Phy (Syn-Cph2), and three CBCRs (Te-PixJ, Np-F2164, and Syn-CcaS). Dashed lines denote the photoactivated state. The bilin type is indicated in parenthesis for each Phy. Absorption maxima are indicated.