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Table 2.

Disease status before and following HSCT with aNK-DLI

Patient no. Diagnosis Prior chemotherapy regimens EPOCH-F cycles received Disease status Time to progression post-HSCT (d) Survival post-HSCT (mo)
Enrollment Pre-HSCT Best response post-HSCT
1 DSRCT 3 1 AD SD SD 102 6.2
2 EWS 5 1 AD PD SD 55 5.6
3 DSRCT 3 3 AD PR CR No relapse 8.5
4 EWS 4 3 NED CR CR No relapse 27.4*
5 DSRCT 2 2 AD SD CR 86 26.5*
6 RMS 2 1 NED CR CR 79 10.4
7 EWS 3 3 AD CR CR 92 19.7*
8 EWS 2 3 AD CR CR 187 10.2
9 EWS 2 3 NED CR CR No relapse 12.5*

Gray rows highlight patients who developed aGVHD.


Still alive.

AD, active disease; CR, complete remission with no evidence of disease; DSRCT, desmoplastic small round cell tumor; EWS, Ewing sarcoma; RMS: Rhabdomyosarcoma. NED, no evidence of disease; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial remission with residual active disease; SD, stable active disease.