(a) Representative confocal images of microglia coverage and dystrophic neurites in 8mo CRND8 mice harboring different copy numbers of CX3CR1 gene. (b) Quantification of microglia coverage as a function of CX3CR1 genotype and plaque size. t1=(140)7.465, t2=(159)8.939, t3=(202)5.890, t4=(249)13.28, t5=(56)3.760, t6=(47)5.784. (c) Quantification of dystrophic neurite area as a function of CX3CR1 genotype and plaque size. t7=(170)3.828, t8=(256)2.047. (d) Representative confocal images of microglia coverage and dystrophic neurites in 4mo 5xFAD mice treated with passive anti Aβ immunization for 8 weeks. (e) Quantification of microglia coverage as a function of treatment and plaque size. t1=(324)8.093, t2=(385)15.59, t3=(66)5.848. (f) Quantification of dystrophic neurite area as a function of treatment and plaque size. t4=(218)4.557. For all quantifications data represents mean ± s.e.m and compared using unpaired t-tests. In each genotype or treatment N>3 animals and 40 plaques per animal. Scale bars: 5μm in all panels.