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. 2015 Jan 30;6:24. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00024

Table 2.

Suppressors of LMM.

Mutant lmm supressed Gene ID Gene Product Possible mechanism involved References
act1 ssi2 At1g32200 Chloroplastic glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase act1 mutant accumulates 18:1 fatty acid within the chloroplast, this could explain the suppression of ssi2 cell death Kachroo et al., 2003
adr1 lsd1 At1g33560 CC-NBS-LRR immune receptor ADR1 is a positive regulator of SA signaling Bonardi et al., 2011; Roberts et al., 2013
adr1-l1 lsd1 At4g33300 CC-NBS-LRR immune receptor ADR1-L1 is a positive regulator of SA signaling Bonardi et al., 2011; Roberts et al., 2013
adr1-l2 lsd1 At5g04720 CC-NBS-LRR immune receptor ADR1-L2 is a positive regulator of SA signaling Bonardi et al., 2011; Roberts et al., 2013
edts5/ald1 edr2 agd2 At2g13810 Aminotransferase homologs to AGD2 Unknown Nie et al., 2011
bzip10 lsd1 At4g02640 BZIP transcription factor In wild-type plants, LSD1 retain BZIP10 in cytoplasm. In lsd1 mutants, BZIP10 translocate into nucleus to regulate expression of genes involved in lsd1 cell death Kaminaka et al., 2006
caa39 flu At5g02820 Subunit of the topoisomerase VI complex (TOP6A) TOP6A binds to promoter of genes regulated by ROS signaling. Simkova et al., 2012
cao lsd1 At5g50920 Chaperone necessary for the assembly of the photosystem II antenna A fully functional photosystem II is necessary for lesion formation in lsd1  
crt1 ssi4 At4g36290 ATPase that interacts with diverse resistance proteins Unknown Kang et al., 2008
crt3 bir1 At1g08450 Calreticulin involved in the ER quality control crt3 and erdj3b are characterized by a decrease of SOBIR1 accumulation Sun et al., 2014
erdj3b bir1 At3g62600 J domain protein involved in the ER quality control   Sun et al., 2014
ex1 flu At4g33630 Chloroplastic protein with unknown molecular fucntion EX1 and EX2 act together to integrate 1O2signal from chloroplasts and subsequently induce signaling responses that induce cell death in flu Wagner et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2007b; Kim et al., 2012
ex2 flu At1g27510 Chloroplastic protein with unknown molecular fucntion   Lee et al., 2007b; Kim et al., 2012
hpr1 edr1 At5g09860 Component of the THO/transcrtiption export complex required for mRNA export A fully functional mRNA export machinery is necessary for cell death in edr1 Pan et al., 2012
laz1 acd11 At4g38360 Protein with a domain of unknown function (DUF300) Unknown Malinovsky et al., 2010
laz2 acd11 At1g77300 Histone lysine 36 methyl transferase LAZ2 is necessary for the proper expression of LAZ5 which is then a positive mediator of acd11-dependent cell death Palma et al., 2010
laz5 acd11 At5g44870 Putative TIR-NB-LRR R-protein LAZ5 is A R-protein which could triggers cell death in the absence of ACD11 Palma et al., 2010
lol1 lsd1 At1g32540 Protein homologs to LSD1, with 3 zinc finger domains LOL1 is and LSD1 have antagonistic effects on ROS homeostasis Epple et al., 2003
mc1 lsd1 At1g02170 Type 1 metacaspase Unknown Coll et al., 2010
oxt6 cat2 At1g30460 Subunit of the CPSF complex involved in mRNA polyadenylation (CPSF30) CPSF30 regulates positively the expression of a large number of genes involved immune responses Bruggeman et al., 2014
plp2 vad1 At2g26560 Lipid acyl hydrolase with wide substrate specificities PLP2 could provide fatty acid precursors for the biosynthesis of oxylipins La Camera et al., 2009
prl1 flu At4g15900 Nuclear WD40 protein with unknown molecular function PRL1 has a role in modeling 1O2-dependent signaling Baruah et al., 2009
rar1 ssi4 At5g51700 Small protein with two zinc binding domains, involved in defense signaling A disruption of RAR1 affects a multiple R gene-triggered responses Zhou et al., 2008
rdc8 ssi2 At2g40690 Glycerol-3-phosphate deshydrogenase (GLY1) Decrease in glycerol-3-phosphate pool Kachroo et al., 2004
sdf2 bir1 At2g25110 Protein involved in the ER quality control Same as crt3 suppressor Sun et al., 2014
sfd4 ssi2 At4g30950 Fatty acid desaturase involved in the synthesis of polyunsaturated lipids Decrease in plastid complex lipid species containing hexadecatrienoic acids Nandi et al., 2003
sobir1 bir1 At2g31880 Receptor-like kinase In absence of BIR1, SOBIR1 activates resistance signaling pathways Gao et al., 2009
soldat8 flu At2g36990 SIGMA6 (SIG6) factor of the plastid RNA polymerase Disruption of SIG6 disturbs chloroplasts homeostasis that could acclimate plants and then suppress flu 1O2-mediated cell death Coll et al., 2009
soldat10 flu At2g03050 Plastidial protein related to the human mTERF Same as soldat8 Meskauskiene et al., 2009
sr1-4D (gof) edr2 At2g22300 Calmodulin-binding transcription factor Probalby due to enhanced repression of genes involved in edr2 cell death Nie et al., 2012
summ1 mkk1/mkk2 At4g08480 MAP kinase kinase kinase In absence of MKK1/MKK2 or MPK4, SUMM1 triggers SUMM2-mediated immune responses Kong et al., 2012
summ2 mkk1/mkk2 At1g12280 Putative NB-LRR R protein In absence of MKK1/MKK2 or MPK4, SUMM2 activates resistance signaling pathways Zhang et al., 2012
sup6 acd6 At5g20660 Putative Metalloprotease Unknown Lu et al., 2009
ulf3/hy1 flu At2g26670 Heme oxygenase involved in biosynthesis of chromophore Accumulation of heme in hy1 inhibits the Glu-tRNA enzyme conducing to a decrease in Pchlide content Goslings et al., 2004