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. 2015 Jan 30;10(1):e0116611. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116611

Table 2. Clinical details of the isolates harbouring NDM gene.

ID no. Isolate Patient age/Sex Clinical specimen Ward/OPD/ICU Current diagnosis Carbapenem Susceptibility Other susceptible antibiotics tested in vitro Coproduction of Class C NDM or other MBL genes
PA6 P.aeruginosa 24year/female Tissue Burn sepsis R Polymyxin B CMY-2 NDM
PA38 P.aeruginosa 25 year/female Central tip FICU VAP R Polymyxin B ACT, CMY-2 NDM
PA47 P.aeruginosa 29 year/female Pus Ortho sepsis R Polymyxin B DHA, ACT NDM,IMP, VIM

OPD, outpatient department; ICU, Intensive care unit; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia; FICU, Female intensive care unit R, resistant; Class C-Plasmid mediated AmpC β -lactamases.