Figure 1. Susceptibility of various enterobacteria to antimicrobial substances produced by X. sp. TZ01.
A: Growth curves in liquid broth of Y. pseudotuberculosis 4N1 (closed circles), Y. pseudotuberculosis 4N1 supplemented with 8% of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant (closed triangles), Y. pseudotuberculosis IP2777 supplemented with 8% of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant (closed diamonds), Serratia marcescens EE016 supplemented with 8% of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant (closed upside down triangles), E. coli VT01 supplemented with 8% X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant (open circles) and S. Enteritidis SE01 supplemented with 8% of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant (opened squares). OD600 values were plotted every 30 minutes during 6 hours. B: Growth rates of Y. pseudotuberculosis 4N1 (4N1), Y. pseudotuberculosis IP2777 (2777), Vero-toxigenic E. coli VT01 (VTEC), Salmonella Enteritidis SE01 (SEnt) and Serratia marcescens EE016 (Ser) in liquid broth supplemented with either 0% (white bars), 4% (hatched bars) or 8% (dotted bars) of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant. Growth rates were calculated by plotting experimental OD600 values in log2 scale and taking the slope of the adjusted linear regression curve. Few or no growth was observed for Vero-toxigenic E. coli VT01 and Salmonella Enteritidis SE01 grown with either 4% or 8% of X. sp. TZ01 culture supernatant.