Figure 3.
Post-ischemic recovery of cardiac function, and LDH activity in the coronary effluent of adult and aged rats. A, LVDP at the end (at 60 min) of reperfusion, shown as percent of pre-ischemia values; B, LVEDP at the end (at 60 min) of reperfusion, given in mmHg; C, RPP recovery during the reperfusion period, shown as percent of pre-ischemia values; D, LDH activity in the coronary effluent released during the reperfusion period, shown in munits/mL per gram heart weight (HW); E, Myocardial infarction size after IR injury. Upper panel: typical cross-sections of hearts stained with TTC for infarct (white) and viable tissue (red). Lower panel: Quantitative data of infarction size expressed in percent of total area (whole heart). All data are shown as means ± SE. n=2–3 per group for infarction size experiments. *P<0.05 OX vs. O; +P<0.05, ++P<0.01 O vs. A.