Table 1.
Circadian rhythm parameters derived from mother and infant actigraphy recordings.
Fixed Period 24 hour Cosinor Model Parameters: | |
Mesor pattern | Midpoint level or mean activity count of the fitted 24 hour rhythm |
Magnitude | Difference between the model fit peak value and the mesor; the amount of change from mesor to peak of the cycle |
Acrophase | Decimal clock time of fitted cycle peak; the time of highest activity in the cycle |
R2 GOF | Goodness of Fit Index, R-square of the within-subject model fit; measure of fit with 24-hour period, variance explained by the fitted curve |
Non-Parametric Circadian Rhythm Analysis (NPCRA) Descriptors:* | |
L5 midpoint | Decimal clock time for the midpoint of the L5 block; timing of lowest activity |
M10 midpoint | Decimal clock time for the midpoint of the M10 block; timing of highest activity |
Amplitude | Difference between L5 and M10 segments average levels; difference in activity level of highest and lowest periods |
IS | Interdaily Stability, normalized index of the similarity of activity patterns across days, strength of coupling with 24-hour environment; values from 0 to 1.0 with 1.0 indicating exact coupling. |
IV | Intradaily Variability, measure of the fragmentation of the rest/activity pattern; frequency of transitions in activity, values from 0 (near perfect sine wave) to ≥ 2 (noise or ultradian rhythm) |
reference: Van Someren EJ, Swaab DF, Colenda CC, Cohen W, McCall WV, Rosenquist PB. Bright light therapy: improved sensitivity to its effects on rest-activity rhythms in Alzheimer patients by application of nonparametric methods. Chronobiol Int. 1999;16(4):505-18.