Fig. 4.
Selected features in the LDA classifier for HC-sdMCI for the broadband and GLd (accuracy 86.27%). A–C panels represent three views (sagittal, coronal and axial) of the selected links. The width and color (black to soft brown) of these links grows proportional to the median of the weights assigned to the links by the classifier across the ten folds of the cross-validation testing procedure. The size of the ball that represents the node is proportional to the number of links converging at this node. In panel D, the upper triangular matrix shows the median of the assigned weights and the lower triangular matrix represents the number of folds in which a specific link has been selected. The nodes were grouped according to brain lobes: FL – Frontal Lobe; PL – Parietal Lobe; TL – Temporal Lobe; OL – Occipital Lobe; C – Cingulate Cortex. See Supplementary Table 2 for a ranking of the links with the highest weights.