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. 2015 Jan 15;2015:269304. doi: 10.1155/2015/269304

Table 2.

Baseline treatment characteristics of the racial/ethnic racial cohorts among the AJCC stages.

NHW (28649) Hispanics (1588) Blacks (3062) API (1815)
f % f % f % f %
AJCC stage I
Radiation (P < 0.01)
 Radiation not received 23652 82.6 1385 87.2* 2450 80.8* 1601 88.2*
 Radiation received 4666 16.3 194 12.2* 578 18.9* 200 11
 Unknown 331 1.2 9 0.6* 34 1.1 14 0.8
Cancer directed surgery (P < 0.01)
 Not performed 6961 24.3 389 24.5 1033 33.7* 354 19.5*
  Performed 21582 75.6 1197 75.4 2012 65.7* 1459 80.4*
Reason for no surgery (P < 0.05)a
 Died 21 0.3 1 0.3 3 0.3 0 0
 Not recommended 6014 86.3 328 84.3 873 84.5 294 83.1
 Patient refusal 450 6.4 28 7.1 81 7.8 41 11.6*
 Unknown 582 8.4 34 8.7 93 9 21 5.9

NHW (21121) Hispanics (1345) Blacks (3150) API (1481)
f % f % f % f %

AJCC stage II
Radiation (P < 0.01)
 Radiation not received 13590 64.3 941 70.0* 1954 62.0* 1075 72.6*
 Radiation received 7159 33.9 384 28.6* 1144 36.3* 392 26.5*
 Unknown 372 1.8 20 1.5 52 1.7 14 0.9*
Cancer directed surgery (P < 0.01)
 Not performed 11083 52.7 743 55.3 2038 64.9* 818 55.3*
  Performed 9937 47.3 601 44.7 1101 35.1* 661 44.7*
Reason for no surgery (P < 0.05)a
 Died 37 0.3 5 0.7 8 0.4 2 0.2
 Not recommended 10089 91 672 90.4 1826 89.6* 760 92.9*
 Patient refusal 308 3.1 21 2.8 56 2.7 28 3.4
 Unknown 750 6.7 46 6.1 159 7.8 30 3.7*

NHW (26949) Hispanics (1798) Blacks (4610) API (1983)
f % f % f % f %

AJCC stage III
Radiation (P < 0.01)
 Radiation not received 11542 42.8 908 50.5* 1885 40.9* 955 48.2*
 Radiation received 14909 55.3 867 48.2* 2641 57.3* 1002 50.5*
 Unknown 498 1.8 23 1.3 84 1.8 26 1.3*
Cancer directed surgery (P < 0.01)
 Not performed 22228 83 1448 80.6* 4037 88.0* 1577 79.6*
  Performed 4562 17 349 19.4* 548 12.0* 403 20.4*
Reason for no surgery (P < 0.01)a
 Died 52 0.2 1 0 9 0.2 2 0.1
 Not recommended 20685 93.1 1353 93.4 3713 92.0* 1504 95.4*
 Patient refusal 353 1.6 20 1.4 53 1.3 21 1.3
 Unknown 1297 5.8 75 5.2 287 7.1* 53 3.7*

NHW (68745) Hispanics (5619) Blacks (11703) API (6246)
f % f % f % f %

AJCC stage IV
Radiation (P < 0.01)
 Radiation not received 37450 54.5 3356 59.7* 6285 53.7 3628 58.1*
 Radiation received 30306 44.1 2195 39.1* 5259 44.9 2562 41.0*
 Unknown 989 1.4 68 1.2 159 1.4 56 0.9*
Cancer directed surgery (P < 0.01)
 Not performed 65265 95.5 5399 96.2* 11233 96.5* 6014 96.4*
  Performed 3107 4.5 213 3.8* 410 3.5* 222 3.6*
Reason for no surgery (P < 0.01)a
 Died 141 0.2 14 0.3 28 0.3 14 0.2
 Not recommended 61220 93.8 5112 94.7* 10331 92* 5796 96.3*
 Patient refusal 766 1.2 41 0.8* 138 1.2 58 0.9
 Unknown 3511 5.4 239 4.4* 796 7.1* 156 2.6*

* P < 0.05 using Z test when c/w NHW; aFisher's exact test was used to test difference among the races.

f: frequency; P: P value; %, percentage; API: Asian Pacific Islanders; NHW: non-Hispanic whites.