Fig. 4.
Effect of V4-MS on dimming detection thresholds. A: RFs of V4 recording sites in the dimming detection task relative to 1 of the target bars (gray bars). Color scale as in Fig. 1B. B: dimming detection thresholds for the V4-MS trials (x-axis) and the blank trials (y-axis) for the bar in the RF (left) and the 2 bars outside the RF (right) in monkey B (top) and monkey C (bottom). C: sessions with suprathreshold V4 stimulation (stimulation current was set at 200% of the threshold). We computed the difference between dimming detection thresholds (% contrast change) for bars overlapping with the stimulated V4-RF (OV) and nonoverlapping bars (no OV). Shown are average results of 3 sessions in monkey B and 2 sessions in monkey C.