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. 2014 Dec;52(12):4230–4238. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02158-14


Results of IHC staining of tissues for the presence of CCoV antigen and other findings in puppies investigated in this studya

Other finding(s)
SI LI Other tissues
1 09-149076 Pos. Neg. Neg.: lung, kidney, bone marrow Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion
2 09-89334 Pos. Neg. Neg.: lung, urinary bladder Protein-losing enteropathy, Isospora species, Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion, aspiration pneumonia
3 09-97736 Pos. Neg. Neg.: lung, liver Jejunoileal intussusception, Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion
4a 09-107207 Pos. NA NA Canine parvovirus enteritis, AEEC
4b 09-110089 Pos. Neg. Neg.: lung, MLN Trichomoniasis, Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion, bronchointerstitial pneumonia
5 09-123567 Pos. Neg. Neg.: thymus, heart, trachea, lung, liver, pancreas, spleen AEEC, Cystoisospora ohioensis, aspiration pneumonia
6a 10-51534A Pos. Neg. Pos.: MLN (rare); Neg.: thymus, lung, stomach, pancreas AEEC, aspiration pneumonia, bone marrow depletion, thymic and MLN lymphoid depletion
6b 10-51534B Pos. Neg. Pos.: MLN (rare); Neg.: thymus, lung AEEC, bronchopneumonia, bone marrow depletion, thymic, MLN and Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion
7 12-120628 Pos. Neg. Neg.: lung, tongue, stomach, MLN, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney Jejunojejunal intussusception, ulcerative gastritis, Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion, aspiration pneumonia
8 12-159396 Pos. Pos. Neg.: thymus, lung, liver, stomach, spleen, kidney Mild, multifocal, acute hepatocellular necrosis
9 13-47387 Pos. Pos. Pos.: MLN (rare); Neg.: lung, stomach Peyer's patch lymphoid depletion, mild, multifocal, subacute hepatocellular necrosis

SI, small intestine; LI, large intestine; Pos., positive; Neg., negative; NA, not available; MLN, mesenteric lymph node; AEEC, attaching-effacing Escherichia coli.