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. 2015 Jan 29;160(3):461–476. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.12.017

Figure 4.

Figure 4

The azot Promoter Computes Relative FlowerLose and Sparc Levels

(A–F) Epistasis analysis of the following genotypes during dmyc-induced supercompetition. (A and B) UASRNAifweloseLhp, (C and D) UASsparc, and (E and F) UASRNAisparc. Azot::dsRed is shown in red (A, C, and E) and merges with GFP in (B, D, and F).

(G) Graph showing the probability of finding Azot expression in a GFP marked clone in several genotypes.

(H–J) Azot::dsRed expression after UV irradiation (red) is suppressed when UASRNAifweloseLhp (H and I) or UASfweLose-B and UASfweLose-A (J and K) are expressed ubiquitously. Quantified in Figure S4C.

(L and M) Epistasis analysis of Azot expression in the Drosophila retina. Pupal retinas dissected 44 hr APF of GMR-Gal4; RNAifwe (GD). Azot expression shown in red (L) and merge with nuclear marker DAPI in blue (M). Quantified in Figure S4H.

(N) Azot is not expressed in cells without FlowerLose isoforms.

(O–Q) Cells expressing FlowerLose but that are either surrounded by cells with equal or higher levels of FlowerLose (O) or express high levels of Sparc (P) also do not activate azot expression. Cells with higher relative levels of Lose and not enough Sparc induce the expression of azot and are eliminated (Q).