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. 2015 Feb 2;6:42. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00042



Saccadic reaction times per factor level as estimated by the final LMMs in Experiment 2. For better interpretability, the estimated logSRT for each factor level was transformed back to the original millisecond scale for plotting. Error bars represent +1.96 SEM after removing random effect variances. (A) Model results for the target face cues. The data yielded a significant effect of the SOA manipulation and a significant interaction of participant sex and target face cue gender. For male participants, SRTs were shorter when the face at the target location was feminine. (B) Model results for the distractor face cues. The model yielded a significant interaction of participant sex and distractor face cue gender. For male participants, SRTs were longer when there was a feminine face at the distractor location (the SOA effect is not depicted for the distractor model as it was qualitatively identical to the target model).