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. 2015 Feb;21(2):368–371. doi: 10.3201/eid2102.141449

Table 1. Cattle samples positive for influenza D virus genome by real-time reverse transcription PCR, France*.

Sample ID Collection date Sample type Age Antimicrobial treatment Vaccination† Duration of respiratory signs FluD (CT) BRSV BPIV-3 Pasteurella multocida Mannheimia haemolytica Mycoplasma bovis Histophilus somni BCoV BoHV-1
5731 2014 Jan 25 Lung Adult Yes NC NC P (35) N N WP WP N P NT P
5831 2014 Feb 5 Lung 12 mo Yes Yes 3–4 wk P (31) N N N N N N NT NT
5920 2014 Feb 18 Lung 1 mo Yes Yes 3 d P (27) N N N N N N N NT
6106 2014 Mar 14 Lung 1 mo No Yes 1 d P (35) N N WP N N WP N NT
2364 2011 Mar 30 Lung NC NC NC NC P (35) NT NT P N N N NT NT
2986 2012 Jan 17 Nasal swab NC NC NC NC P (15) P N WP WP N N NT NT

*Ct, cycle threshold; BCoV, bovine coronavirus; BoHV-1, bovine herpesvirus I; BPIV3, bovine parainfluenzavirus 3; BRSV, bovine respiratory syncytial virus; FluD, influenza D virus; ID, identification; N, negative; NC, not communicated; NT, not tested; P: positive (Ct<35), WP: weakly positive (35<Ct<40).
†Against BRSV and BPIV-3.