Table 7.
Thyroid Histopathology Using a 5-Point Grading Scale
Follicular cell height | |
Grade 1 | Prominent number of follicles (>25%) were lined by an attenuated epithelium with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and a flattened hyperchromatic nucleus. The majority of the remaining follicles were lined by a low cuboidal epithelium with a round to oval nucleus and a cell height that was ≤1.5× the height of the nucleus. |
Grade 2 | Most follicles were lined by a cuboidal to slightly columnar epithelium, often with a flocculent to finely vacuolated eosinophilic cytoplasm, round to oval nucleus, and the cell height which was ≤2× (twice) the height of the nucleus. |
Grade 3 | Most follicles were lined by a slightly columnar epithelium with a foamy to vacuolated eosinophilic cytoplasm and a round nucleus; the cell height is 2× to 2.5× the height of the nucleus. |
Grade 4 | Similar nuclear and cytoplasmic characteristics as described for Grade 3 above. Most follicles were lined by a distinctly columnar epithelium with a cell height 2.5× to 3× the height of the nucleus. |
Grade 5 | Most follicles were lined by a distinctly columnar epithelium with a cell height >3× the height of the nucleus. |
Colloid area | |
Grade 1 | Absence of colloid or decreased colloid in >67% of thyroid follicles. |
Grade 2 | Same as Grade 1 above, except the condition affected 34–66% of the follicles. |
Grade 3 | Most follicles were small, even at the periphery, with 25–33% being collapsed with no visible colloid or decreased amount of colloid. |
Grade 4 | Most follicles contained variable amounts of eosinophilic to grayish-pink colloid with the peripheral follicles generally being larger with more abundant colloid compared to the innermost follicles. |
Grade 5 | Most follicles were filled with eosinophilic colloid with only a slight variation in follicular size. |