MR imaging–guided focused ultrasound (FUS)–treated TgCRND8 mice perform better in the Y maze than untreated TgCRND8 mice. (a) Bar graph shows that TgCRND8 mice spent 24 seconds (8% of the total time) exploring the novel arm of the Y maze, compared with 1 minute spent by the non-Tg mice (20% of the total time). The 61% difference between the TgCRND8 mice and the non-Tg mice was significant (P < .05). Following MR imaging–guided focused ultrasound, TgCRND8 mice spent 99% more time in the novel arm (48 seconds, 16% of the total time), which was similar to the 54 seconds that the mice treated with MR imaging–guided focused ultrasound spent exploring the novel arm (18% of the total time). (b) Bar graph shows that TgCRND8 mice perform 52% fewer completed alternations than the non-Tg littermates (P < .05), but after MR imaging–guided focused ultrasound treatment, the TgCRND8 mice performed the correct alternation 50% of the time, which was similar to result for the treated non-Tg mice who performed correct alternations 61% of the time. Bars represent means, and error bars represent standard errors of the mean, with n = 6–8 per group. A significant difference is noted if P < .05. * = P < .05.