Figure 1.
Results from the structural equation model. Note: χ2(141, N = 242) = 159.09, p > .05; CFI = .987; TLI = .983; RMSEA = .023; SRMR = .052. **p < .01, *p < .05. † p < .10. Factor loadings for the latent variables are all significant at p < .01. Standardized (stdyx) coefficients are presented with the exception of paths from child sex (stdy). Ego-resiliency = combined mother and nonparental caregiver reports; Emotion-Focused Reactions (EFR, CTNES) = mother report; Expressive Encouragement, (EE, CTNES) = mother report; Empathy = mother report; Prosocial Peer Behavior = teacher report. Dotted lines are nonsignificant paths. The variance of the quadratic slope was fixed at zero, as there was no variability; therefore, predictor variables were not included. Nonsignificant paths (not shown in the model for simplicity, but included in the analyses) were ego-resiliency with EFR, EE, and child sex; child sex with EFR and EE; ego-resiliency, EFR, and EE to prosocial behavior. The path from ego-resiliency to the slope of empathy was marginally significant (p = .054).