Schematic of the foraging experiment's patch (A) layout and (B) dimensions. For each troop, patch food content, f, was varied between 11.4 ± 0.3 g/m2 (low, first 14-day period) and 17.1 ± 0.3 g/m2 (high, second 14-day treatment) of loose dried maize kernels. Interpatch distance (d) was varied with each 14-day period. In the first period, it was set at 25 m (short) for the starting 7 days and 50 m (long) for the remaining 7 days, and vice versa for the second period. Patch size was constant within troops. Large patches (A, D and E) were set at 80 m2 (a = 10 m, b = 10 m, c = 6 m) for the small troop and 96 m2 (10, 12, 6) for the large troop. Small patches (B and C) were set at 20 m2 (5, 5, 3) for the small troop and 27 m2 (6, 6, 3) for the large troop.