Fig. 5.
A. The total Ca2+ buffering capacity, κ, calculated from data as Δ[Ca2+]Total/Δ[Ca2+]Free plotted versus Δ[Ca2+]Free. A1. For exogenous dye alone, the solid curve is κ calculated from Eq. 3. Without endogenous buffer, the fit yielded VE=−0.52 (as already noted) and the resulting curve fell below the data points. Including dye plus one endogenous buffer (A2) yielded VE=0.33 and a better fit to the data. B1. 1/κ was plotted versus Δ[Ca2+]Free for the same fit in A1. The solid curve was obtained by inverting Eq. 4. B2. κendo was calculated as Δ[Ca2+]Total/Δ[Ca2+]Free−κdye, with κdye from Eq 4. 1/κendo was plotted as a function of Δ[Ca2+]Free. The solid curve is 1/κendo from Eq. 4 with Kd,E1 and BT,E1 from Fig. 3B. Note that in A1 and B1 different values for the dye Kd (278 nM vs. 424 nM) altered the concentration scales from those in A2 and B2.