Figure 1.
Age at diagnosis of pediatric cases with t(8;16)(p11;p13) as compared with a pediatric AML reference cohort. Shown are two histograms depicting the age at diagnosis for two cohorts: t(8;16)(p11;p13) in dark gray, and a reference cohort of unselected pediatric AML patients treated by AML-BFM study group between 1995-2005 in light gray. (A) Age at diagnosis is shown in categories of months for the first 2 years after birth. (B) Age at diagnosis is shown in categories of 2 years until the age of 18. In t(8;16)(p11;p13) AML, after an initial peak in the occurrence shortly after birth, occurrence is stable through childhood. In the reference cohort, the frequency of congenital cases is significantly lower.