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. 2015 Winter;19(1):38–43. doi: 10.7812/TPP/14-010

Table 1.

Definitions of passive smoke exposure categories

Exposure category Definition
Definitely exposed All 3 of the following:
At least 1 person smokes recorded within 2 years of RD
No conflicting information from family members’ charts
No mention in child’s chart that smoker smokes outside
Probably exposed Conflicting information on smoking in household but at least 1 record stating there is a smoker in household or
Meets criteria for “definitely exposed” and child’s record mentions that all smokers smoke outside or
Meets criteria for “definitely exposed” and only available information is recorded > 2 years before RD
Probably not exposed One parent is nonsmoker. No smoking information on other parent or
Child’s record states household is nonsmoking and 1 or more adults quit smoking within the last 5 years or quit at an unknown date or
Any family member’s record states that no one in household smokes or
Both parents documented as nonsmokers or former smokers but information on at least one parent is > 2 years before RD
Definitely not exposed Unequivocal information from child’s record within 2 years before RD that no one in household smokes or
Information within 2 years before RD that both parents are nonsmokers. Any former-smoker parents quit more than 5 years before RD.
Unknown No smoking-related information found in subject’s or any family member’s medical record

RD = reference date (date of culture collection).