Table 8.
Negative side effects from anesthesia use
Side effects | Frequency* |
Nausea/vomiting | 18 |
Fatigue | 17 |
Reduced cognitive ability/brain fog | 16 |
Headaches | 14 |
“Out of it” longer than usual | 13 |
Pain (from anesthesia use, not surgery) | 11 |
Dizziness | 9 |
Difficulty breathing | 8 |
MCS worsened | 8 |
Heart problems/palpitations | 6 |
Depression | 6 |
Difficulty being anesthetized | 5 |
Body convulsions | 5 |
Rash | 5 |
Undefined chemical reactions | 3 |
Difficulty sleeping | 3 |
“Pins and needles” sensation | 3 |
Allergic reaction | 2 |
Other | 20 |
Frequency was used because these reported reactions were written in rather than answered on structured questions.
Abbreviation: MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity.