Figure 10.
L-ITCcs innervate interneurons in the BLA and associative cortices. a, Axon varicosities making close appositions with proximal dendrites and somata of putative basket cells in the BLA coexpressing CB and PV. b, c, Axon terminals of a L-ITCc forming symmetric synapses with a soma (b) and a dendritic shaft (c) of PV+ interneurons in BLA. Note in c the presence of an asymmetric, (type I) synapse on the same dendritic shaft. d, Composite micrograph of different focal depths of a L-ITCc axon in the perirhinal cortex (PRh). Axon terminals appeared apposed to neurons of small size containing strong levels of endogenous biotin (i.e., putative interneurons). e, Serial ultrathin sections of a symmetric synapse (thick arrow) in the PRh between an axon terminal of a L-ITCc and a dendrite of a putative interneuron. Note the asymmetric shaft synapses (thin arrows) made on the same dendrite which indicates the target cell as an interneuron (Megías et al., 2001). All data shown were obtained from neuron tjx31a. Scale bars: a, 20 μm; b, 1 μm; c, 500 nm; d, 50 μm; e, 1 μm. Calb, Calbindin; Parv, palvalbumin.