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. 2015 Jan;41(1):120–127. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2014.09.007

Table 2.

Treatment characteristics within included studies.

Reference 90-Yttrium microsphere Treatments per patient Dose (GBq) Other cancer therapy
Bower and Little NA 1.04 0.7–2.19a Chemotherapy at discression of oncologist
Camacho et al. Resin NA NA All patients post-chemotherapy (refractory)
Camacho et al. Resin NA NA All patients post-chemotherapy (refractory)
Chaiteerakij et al. NA 1.55 NA NA
Hoffmann et al. Resin 1.03 1.54b 78.8% post-chemotherapy, 36.6% post-surgery
Hyder et al. NA NA NA 27.8% post-chemotherapy. 11.6% post-surgery
Martinez et al. Resin NA NA NA
Mouli et al. Glass 2 3.9 Gyb,c 35% post-chemotherapy, 11% post-surgery
Prajapati et al. Resin NA 1.68b All patients post- chemotherapy (refractory)
Saxena et al. Resin NA 1.76b 72% post-chemotherapy, 40% post-surgery
Shridhar et al. Glass NA NA 48% post-chemotherapy, 8% post-surgery
Turkmen et al. Glass and Resin NA NA All patients post-chemotherapy (refractory)

GBq, gigabecquerel; NA, not available; Gy, Grey.






Radiation dose reported in Gy, therefore, was not included in weighted analysis.