Multiphase ab initio reconstruction of ETR1-ΔTM. A, global fits of the models reconstructed from data for three constructs of ETR1 (ETR1-ΔTM, ETR1DHp-CA-RD, and ETR1DHp-CA) with the model bead phases corresponding to each data set indicated. B, SDS gel of ETR1-ΔTM during different steps of the purification. Lane M, marker; lane 1, empty; lane 2, pooled fractions after the Ni-NTA step; lane 3, after the tobacco etch virus step; lane 4, after the second Ni-NTA step; lane 5, concentrated protein used for SAXS. C, rigid body refinement of ETR1-ΔTM with three homologous but dissimilar GAF domains against data of ETR1-ΔTM. D, the reconstructed multiphase models overlaid with the best rigid body model (bottom). Models on the right are rotated 90° about the vertical axis.