Effects of HYA and HYB on the expression of TNFRs. A, after stimulation with IFN-γ for 24 h, total RNA was extracted from Caco-2 cells, and the mRNA expression of TNFRs was examined by real time RT-PCR (n = 3). B and C, protein was extracted from Caco-2 cells, and protein expression of phospho-IκBα/IκBα (B) and NF-κB p65 (C) was examined by immunoblotting (n = 3). Results are expressed as means ± S.E. *, p < 0.05, and **, p < 0.01, compared with untreated; #, p < 0.05, compared with IFN-γ (A), IFN-γ + TNF-α (B and C) (−); $$, p < 0.01, compared with HYA (Tukey-Kramer). Data (in A–C) are representative of three independent similar experiments.