Effect of lipid to protein ratio on aggregation lag time. 30 μm α-syn was incubated in the presence of different concentrations of SUVs in 10 mm MES, pH 5.5, with 140 mm NaCl. The lag time is defined as the time when 10% of the maximum intensity is reached, and the error bars represent the standard deviation from eight replicates. All mixtures are based on DOPC with addition of the indicated lipid. A, lag time dependence for varying lipid to protein ratio for pure DOPC SUVs (blue), 30% DOPS SUVs (red), and 6% cardiolipin SUVs (green). Data collected at 100 rpm. B, lag time dependence for varying lipid to protein ratio for SUVs made from exosome lipids reported in relative lipid ratio. Addition of exosome SUVs decrease lag times until a threshold is reached and where the aggregation does not start within the experimental time frame (black arrowhead). Data were collected at 100 rpm.