Aggregation kinetics of α-syn in the presence of ganglioside SUVs or α-syn seeds. Aggregation kinetics for α-syn was measured by ThT fluorescence in the presence of SUVs or α-syn seeds in 10 mm MES, pH 5.5, with 140 mm NaCl. The averages of eight replicate traces are shown in bold with individual traces dashed below. All mixtures are based on DOPC with addition of the indicated lipid. A, aggregation of α-syn (black) with 0.2 mm 10% GM1 SUVs (red) or 0.5 mm 10% GM1 (green) at 100 rpm. The biphasic behavior observed for 0.5 mm 10% GM1 SUVs is not reproduced in every experiment and may be due to the after-reaction of the formed fibrils (bundling and sedimentation, etc.) that perturbs the ThT fluorescence. B, aggregation of α-syn (black) with 0.1 mm 10% GM1 SUVs (blue) or 0.5 mm 10% GM1 (green) under quiescent conditions and in 96-well nonbinding pegylated surface plates. C, aggregation of α-syn (black) with 0.1 mm (blue), 0.2 mm (red), or 0.5 mm 10% GM3 SUVs (green) at quiescent conditions. D, aggregation of α-syn (black) with 0.1% (orange) or 1% seeds (light green) at 100 rpm.