Identification of the transcription factors binding to non-insertion/deletion and insertion/deletion regions of the HTRA1 transcription regulators.
A, location of the double-stranded DNA probes, 1–10, in the region upstream of the HTRA1 coding region that were designed for EMSAs. Both non-insertion/deletion and insertion/deletion HTRA1 transcription regulatory regions were targeted. B, EMSAs of probes 1–10 using nuclear extracts from 661W cells cultured in 2 and 10% FBS. Red arrowheads, detected signals. C, increased expression of HtrA1 was detected in Western blot assays performed following treatment of 661W cells with LPS (1 μg/ml, 0–60 min) using anti-mouse HtrA1 antibodies. Detection of α-tubulin was used as an internal control. D, a Venn diagram shows the number of proteins found to bind the non-insertion/deletion versus insertion/deletion regions of the HTRA1 transcription regulator based on LC-MS/MS data. E, gene ontology term of non-insertion/deletion- and insertion/deletion-binding protein (categorized by molecular function).