Colocalization of RHBG (brown) with H+-ATPase (blue) in the epididymis. In order to determine specific epididymal cell types expressing RHBG, we colocalized RHBG with H+-ATPase. In the initial segment, basolateral RHBG immunoreactivity (brown) is present in H+-ATPase-positive narrow cells (arrows) and H+-ATPase-negative principal cells (arrowheads). In the caput epididymidis, basolateral RHBG immunoreactivity is present exclusively in H+-ATPase-positive clear cells (arrows). In the upper corpus, both H+-ATPase-positive clear cells (arrows) and a subset of H+-ATPase-negative principal cells (arrowheads) expressed basolateral RHBG immunolabel. In the middle and lower corpus and cauda epididymidis, H+-ATPase-positive clear cells (arrows), but not H+-ATPase-negative principal cells, expressed basolateral RHBG immunolabel. In the vas deferens, basolateral RHBG was present only in H+-ATPase-positive cells (arrows). In all regions, intraluminal sperm did not label for either RHBG or H+-ATPase. Results are representative of findings from at least four mice.