Figure 1.
The FKBP5 chromosomal location, gene structure, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locations and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure are depicted in the figure. The chromosomal location and gene structure were taken from the UCSC genome browser (March 2006 Build; NCBI Build 36.1). The RefSeq transcript has 11 exons and spans 115kb from 35 649 346–35 764 692 on chromosome 6. The locations of the study's nine FKBP5 SNPs are indicated by arrows. The LD structure for the nine FKBP5 SNPs was determined using our own genotype data in the family sample. The LD diagram demonstrates that the nine markers belong to two haplotype blocks as determined by the ‘confidence intervals’ method.32 High pairwise LD (D′) between markers is illustrated with dark shading. The r2 scores for the marker pairs are listed in the corresponding blocks.