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. 2014 Sep 18;473(3):1055–1073. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3943-9

Table 1.

Summary of included studies evaluating effect of hip arthroscopy on hip osteoarthritis

Study (first author, year) Study characteristics Sample characteristics Effect size at followup
Total score using modified Downs and Black appraisal Arthroscopic intervention for OA pathology Classification of OA pathology Sample size Sex Age (years)* Duration of symptoms (months) Followup (months)* Outcome (95% CI) Study conclusions (where effect size = ID)
Byrd (2000) [9] 10 Chondral débridement Chondral injury 38 17 F; 18 M 38 21 (1–156) 24 mHHS ID Labrum only mHHS preoperative 63; postoperative 94; improved 31 points
Labrum and chondral injury mHHS preoperative 51; postoperative 69; improved 18 points
Byrd (2011) [8] 12 Chondral débridement, microfracture (n = 18) Chondral damage Outerbridge I–IV 100 33 F; 67 M 34 30 24 mHHS ID All patients mHHS preoperative 65; postoperative 87; improved 22 points (p < 0.001)
Microfracture mHHS pre NR; post NR; improved 21 points
Fontana (2012) [16] 13 Group A Autologous chondrocyte transfer (n = 15)
Group B Débridement (n = 15)
Mild OA on radiograph (Tönnis 1–2)
Chondropathy Outerbridge ≥ 3
30 Group A 9 F; 6 M
Group B 9 F; 6 M
Group A 40.7
Group B 42.3
NR 74 HHS ID Group A HHS preoperative 48; postoperative 88; improved 40 points
Group B HHS preoperative 46; postoperative 56; improved 8 points
Haviv (2010) [21] 11 RF ablation; débridement; microfracture (n = 29) Preoperative radiograph < Tönnis Grade 3
Outerbridge 2–4
166 34 F; 132 M 37 NR 22 mHHS
mHHS Grade 1 0.94 (0.63–1.25)
mHHS Grade 2 0.67 (0.52–0.81)
mHHS Grade 3 1.07 (0.78–1.36)
NAHS Grade 1 1.14 (0.76–1.52)
NAHS Grade 2 0.79 (0.62–0.96)
NAHS Grade 3 1.06 (0.77–1.35)
Haviv (2011) [20] 11 RF ablation, débridement Preoperative radiograph Tönnis Grade 0 only
Outerbridge 2–4
81 61 F; 20 M 44 12 weeks 3 years mHHS
ID Preoperative mHHS 61, NAHS 56; postoperative mHHS 80, NAHS 78; improved 19 and 22 points (p = 0.001)
Pearson correlation coefficient chondropathy and synovitis to clinical outcome r = 0.45, p < 0.05
Helenius (2001) [22] 11 Débridement Preoperative radiographic changes
Outerbridge 0–4
68 42 F; 26 M 58 39 1.3 years Pain “same, better, or worse?” ID Outerbridge 0–89% patients better
Outerbridge 1–84% patients better
Outerbridge 2–73% patients better
Outerbridge 3–43% patients better
Horisberger (2010) [24] 9 Débridement, microfracture Outerbridge ≥ 2, preoperative radiograph Tönnis ≥ 1 20 4 F; 16 M 47 NR 3 years NAHS ID 10 patients underwent THA at followup and did not complete NAHS
Preoperative NAHS in remaining patients 47; postoperative NAHS 78; improved 31 points (p = 0.004)
Ilizaliturri (2007) [26] 11 Débridement, microfracture Chondropathy secondary to pediatric hip disorder 13 7 F; 6 M 31 30 WOMAC ID Preoperative WOMAC 78 points; postoperative WOMAC 87 points; improved 9 points (p < 0.001)
Kamath (2009) [27] 11 Labral and chondral débridement Outerbridge ≥ 1 52 32 F; 20 M 42 22 58 mHHS ID All patients mHHS pre 56.8; postoperative 80.4; improved 23.6 points; no significant effect on outcome for chondral pathology (p > 0.05)
Margheritini (1999) [35] 9 Débridement, removal loose bodies, synovectomy OA diagnosed by radiograph, MRI, or arthroscopy (not specific) 133 87 F; 46 M 42 NR 18 mHHS 0.65 (0.54–0.76)
McCarthy (2011) [36] 13 Resection, microfracture, removal loose bodies Outerbridge 0
Outerbridge 1–2
Outerbridge 3–4
111 64 F; 47 M 39 NR 13 years NAHS ID NAHS followup only for non-THA hips (n = 62) 87 points
Overall 10-year survivorship (patients not having THA) 63%
Outerbridge Grade 1–2 10-year survivorship 80%
Outerbridge Grade 3–4 10-year survivorship 12%
OR needing THA 3.6 times if age > 40 years
OR needing THA 20 times if acetabular Outerbridge 3–4
OR needing THA 58 times if femoral Outerbridge 3–4
McCormick (2012) [37] 13 Débridement Group 1 Outerbridge ≤ 3 nonarthritic (n = 80)
Group 2 Outerbridge 4 arthritic (n = 45)
125 75 F; 50 M 43 < 40 years (n = 47); ≥ 40 years (n = 78) NR 4.2 years mHHS
ID Overall postoperative mHHS 84 points; postoperative HOS ADL 87 points; HOS sport 72 points
Age < 40 years–39 people mHHS > 80; 8 people mHHS < 80
Age ≥ 40 years–32 people mHHS > 80; 46 people mHHS < 80
Group 1 Outerbridge ≤ 3 52 people mHHS > 80; 28 people mHHS < 80
Group 2 Outerbridge 4 19 people mHHS > 80; 26 people mHHS < 80
OR poor outcome 2.5 times if Outerbridge 4; 7 times if aged ≥ 40 years
Philippon (2009) [46] 12 Chondroplasty, microfracture Joint space measured on preoperative radiograph
Outerbridge 1–2 (n = 74)–mild
Outerbridge 3 (n = 29)–moderate
Outerbridge 4 (n = 9)–poor
112 62 F; 50 M 41 34 2.3 mHHS (8)
HOS sport (6)
ID Preoperative mHHS 58; postoperative mHHS 84 points; improved 26 points
Preoperative HOS ADL 70; postoperative HOS ADL 88; improved 18 points
Preoperative HOS SP 43; postoperative 69 points; improved 26 points
Preoperative NAHS 66; postoperative 81 points; improved 15 points
10 of 112 patients progressed to THA
Postoperative mHHS joint space < 2.0 mm = 68 points; joint space ≥ 2.0 mm = 87 points (p = 0.002)
Postoperative mHHS cartilage change mild = 87; moderate = 79; poor = 62 (p = 0.011)
OR progressing to THA 39 times if preoperative joint space < 2.0 mm
Streich (2009) [51] 12 Chondral débridement Outerbridge 0–1 (n = 30)
Outerbridge 2–4 (n = 20)
50 29 F; 21 M 33 NR 34 mHHS ID All patients preoperative mHHS 60; postoperative mHHS 72; improved 12 points
Outerbridge 0–1 preoperative mHHS 63; postoperative mHHS 87; improved 24 points
Outerbridge 2–4 preoperative mHHS 55; postoperative mHHS 52; worsened 3 points
Tzaveas (2010) [55] 9 Fibrin adhesive to chondral flap Acetabular chondral flap delamination 19 14 F; 5 M 36 NR 12 mHHS 1.05 (0.58–1.52)

* Mean (SD); range; OA = osteoarthritis; CI = confidence interval; RF = radiofrequency; mHHS = modified Harris hip score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; VAS = visual analog scale score range 0–10 points, 0 points = best possible outcome; HHS = Harris hip score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; NAHS = Non-arthritic Hip Score score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; WOMAC score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; HOS = Hip Outcome Score; ADL = activities of daily living; F = female; M = male; ID = insufficient data; Tönnis = preoperative grading of osteoarthritis using Tönnis scale; Outerbridge = intraoperative grading of chondral injury; NR = not reported; NS = not specific.