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. 2014 Sep 18;473(3):1055–1073. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3943-9

Table 2.

Results of comparison of effects of hip arthroscopy OA versus no OA

Study (first author, year) Study characteristics Sample characteristics Effect size at followup
Total score using modified Downs and Black appraisal [maximum17 points] Arthroscopic intervention for OA pathology Classification of OA pathology FAI (Y/N; type) Sample size (OA subsample) Sex Age (years)* Duration of symptoms (months) Follow up (months)† Outcome (95% CI) Study conclusions (where effect size = ID) Difference between groups reported
Egerton (2013) [14] 13 Débridement, microfracture Chondral damage Outerbridge ≥ 1 N 560 (108) 277 F; 283 M 42 NR 12 mHHS
mHHS no OA 0.82 (0.75–0.90)
mHHS OA 0.62 (0.50–0.73)
NAHS no OA 0.89 (0.81–0.97)
NAHS OA 0.44 (0.35–0.52)
mHHS p = 0.001
NAHS p < 0.001
Gedouin (2010) [17] 10 Débridement, microfracture Preoperative radiograph Tönnis Grade 0 or 1 N 110 (45) 32 F; 78 M 31 10 15 WOMAC WOMAC no OA 1.23 (0.93–1.53)
WOMAC OA 0.95 (0.67–1.22)
p < 0.001
Larson (2011) [32] 13 Débridement, microfracture Group FAI–no joint space narrowing Tönnis 0 to 1 (n = 154)
Group FAI OA–joint space narrowing Tönnis > 1 (n = 56)
Y (cam, pincer, and mixed) 227 (56) Group FAI 81 F; 88 M
Group FAI OA 13 F; 43 M
Group FAI 32
Group FAI OA 45
NR 27 mHHS
ID Group FAI preoperative mHHS 63; postoperative mHHS 88; improved 25 points (p < 0.001)
Group FAI OA preoperative mHHS 60; postoperative mHHS 67 points; improved 7 points (p = 0.986)
Predictors of lower mHHS were joint space narrowing (p = 0.001); greater duration of symptoms (p = 0.014); higher grade chondropathy preoperative MRI (p = 0..019)
P < 0.001
Palmer (2012) [44] 15 Chondroplasty, microfracture Outerbridge 0–3 (n = 157)
Outerbridge 4 (n = 44)
Chondral defects < 1.5 cm2
(n = 201)
Y (cam, pincer, and mixed) 201 (201) 102 F; 99M 40 59 46 NAHS ID 13 of 201 patients progressed to THA
Outerbridge 0–3 NAHS improved 23 points (p < 0.001)
Outerbridge 4 NAHS improved 25 points (p < 0.001)
Pincer FAI NAHS improved 16 points; no pincer FAI improved 23 points (p < 0.01)
p = 0.48
Stahelin (2008) [50] 9 Débridement, microfracture Preoperative radiograph Tönnis 0 (n = 14); Tönnis 1 (n = 5); Tönnis 2 (n = 3) All patients cam FAI 22 (8) 7 F; 15 M 42 6 NAHS
NAHS Tönnis 0 1.55 (0.74–2.36)
NAHS Tönnis 1–2 0.92 (0.28–1.55)
VAS Tönnis 0 2.26 (1.08–3.45)
VAS Tönnis 1–2 1.63 (0.50–2.75)
p < 0.05

* Mean (SD); range; OA = osteoarthritis; FAI = femoroacetabular impingement; Y = yes; N = no; CI = confidence interval; mHHS = modified Harris hip score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; VAS = visual analog scale score range 0–10 points, 0 points = best possible outcome; HHS = Harris hip score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; NAHS = Non-arthritic Hip Score score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; WOMAC score range 0–100 points, 100 points = best possible outcome; HOS = Hip Outcome Score; ADL = activities of daily living; F = female; M = male; ID = insufficient data; Tönnis = preoperative grading of osteoarthritis using Tönnis scale; Outerbridge = intraoperative grading of chondral injury; NR = not reported; NS = not specific.