Figure 4.
SAXS analysis of VAI. (a) SAXS scattering curves for WT (green), WT + Mg2+ (brown), and L8 + Mg2+ (blue). The solid black lines show the fits of the data to p(r) distributions. All samples are at 2.0 mg/ml. Inset: Guinier analysis giving Rg values of 44.8 ± 1.0 Å (WT), 45.1 ± 0.1 Å (WT + Mg2+), and 45.9 ± 0.7 Å (L8 + Mg2+). The data are vertically offset for clarity. (b) p(r) distance distribution functions. The distributions were produced using GNOM (35) with a maximum q corresponding to 8/Rg. (c) Ab initio models generated by simulated annealing using DAMMIF (36). Twenty-five models were superimposed, averaged, and filtered using DAMAVER (37). The bead models were converted to surface representations using SITUS (38). To see this figure in color, go online.