Table 2.
Structural statistics of PRE-based structural ensembles.
PDB: 2MQS | |
BMRB: 25048 | |
Restraints to TOAC at P4′ of THP | |
HN 25 aaa *3 TOAC = 75 | |
HCH3 11aab *3 TOAC = 33 | |
Restraints to TOAC at P7′ of THP | |
HN 23 aac * 3 TOAC = 69 | |
HCH3 14 aad *3 TOAC = 42 | |
Total PRE-based distance restraints = 219 | |
Ambiguous restraints | |
5 aae of HPX domain and 12 aaf of THP | |
RMS deviations | |
All backbone atoms (Å)g | 0.31 |
All heavy atoms (Å)g | 0.36 |
Backbone to crystal structure of HPX domain (3C7X, Å)h | 0.62 |
Q-factor for PRE-based distance restraintsh | 0.13 |
Number of violations larger than 2 or 1 Å | 1i, 3j |
Statistics of overall structural quality | Mean Score |
Procheck G-factor (all dihedrals) | 0.01 |
Molprobityk | 1.44 |
Residues in most favored regions of Ramachandran plot l | 84.5 % |
Residues in additional allowed regions | 14.5 % |
A327, L329, G331, F341, M350, D351, R362, I368, E373, K375, D376, G377, F379, A393 – E396, G425, Y428, N439, S466, G469, Y476, F477, K482
L329(δ2), L364(δ2), L419(δ1), L442 (δ1, δ2), V344(γ1, γ2), V349(γ1), V380(γ2), V473(γ1, γ2)
L329, F341, R345, N346, G352, E373, G377, D391, A393 – L395, F420, W421, G425 – Y428, E441, F467 – G469, D471, Y476
L329(δ2), L419(δ1), L442 (δ2), L491(δ1), V335(γ2), V344(γ1, γ2), V349(γ1), V380(γ1, γ2), V389 (γ1, γ2), V473(γ1, γ2)
R330, R343, R345, F360, E392
P(P3), I(P1′), A(P2′), Q(P4′) x three chains of homotrimer
Calculated based on the 15 lowest energy structures.
Calculated based on the best structure ranked by HADDOCK score.
L395(HN), Y428(HN), G352(HN)
Molprobity score combines the clash score, rotamers and Ramachandran evaluation into a single score.
Ramachandran plot analysis (%) from Procheck-NMR.