Wnt11-CreER mediated recombination and activation of tdTomato expression was induced by a single dose of tamoxifen administration at E7.5, and embryos were harvested and analyzed at E8.75. (A) Epi-fluorescence of tdTomato alone, and (A’) merged with brightfield. (B) Saggital section of the embryonic region (yellow box in (A’) revealed the contribution of tdTomato expressing cell to the endoderm (red arrow in B), the inter-somitic vessels (ISV, green arrows in B), the dorsal aorta (DA) and the posterior lateral plate mesoderm (tdTomato-positive cells between dorsal aorta and endoderm). (C-C”) Transverse sectioning of these embryos along the dotted line in (A’) and co-staining with nuclear marker DAPI (blue) and endothelial cell marker PECAM (green) showed that tdTomato expressing cells colonized the posterior lateral plate and intermediate mesoderm (yellow arrows in C”), the hindgut endoderm (red arrow in (C”)), the notochordal plate (white arrow in C”) and the endothelial lining of the dorsal aortae (paired green arrows in C”) and the omphalomesenteric vein (lower green arrow in C”). DA (dorsal aortae); HG (hindgut); ISV (inter-somitic vessels); LPM (lateral plate mesoderm); NP (notochordal plate); OV (omphalomesenteric vein).