Figure 5.
Autophagy is defective in comatose mutants. (A) Lifespan analysis of comt mutant flies and controls during prolonged starvation at room temperature (22°). (B–G) Images of fat body in well-fed larvae (B and C) and after starvation for 3 hr (D and E) or 12 hr (F and G). Bar in G, 10 μm. (H–K) LysoTracker (red) and DAPI (blue) staining of fat body in well-fed larvae (H and I) and after 12-hr starvation (J and K). (L) Average size of LysoTracker-positive puncta for each genotype. Bar in I, 20 μm. J′′′ and K′′′ are enlarged images of boxed areas in J and K, respectively. (**P < 0.01, log-rank test.)