Figure A1.
Scheme of the method of parental contribution estimation. (A) The available data, f(X/L) i.e. the allele frequency at each locus X within each parental line L. (B) The unknown parameters to estimate, P(L) i.e. the probability of contribution to the observed population of each parent L. (C) The observations, f(X) i.e. the allele frequency at each locus. In this example we consider 3 parent lines (L1 in grey, L2 in red and L3 in yellow) genotyped at 3 SNPs (A, in green, B in blue and C in pink). We specify a binomial distribution of the allele frequencies with N the total number of individuals sampled in the observed population. Each locus is treated independently and the aim of the algorithm is estimation of genomic contribution of parents to the population.